Ready to Make Your Copywriting Start Working For You?

Ready to turn things up a notch?

Because it's nice when things work the way they're supposed to, isnt' it?

After all, you do.

You give your clients and customers (your people) your absolute best.

You take pride in delivering an awesome experience.

You don’t do it JUST for the money…it’s also your passion.

But the money does matter. 

So ask yourself, does your marketing tell the right story? Does your brand messaging give people a real feel for who you are and what it’s like to work with you?

Is your current strategy leaving money on the table?

These days, your marketing has to be better

I mean, let’s face it: everyone is clamoring for attention. It seems like it’s one sketchy marketing gimmick after another. 

Not cool, and not the way we do things.

But you still have to stand out. You have to get readers excited about you even before they become your people.

Without the gimmicks.

So let’s bring honesty and integrity back into the marketing game. Let’s lead with accountability, responsibility, and generosity. 

Let’s get creative and make you some money.

This is where I come in...

Picture of David Bark, copywriterWhen I write for you, your content and copy actually become an extension of the services you already provide. Sound silly?

Here’s the deal:

When your messaging is clear, it says, “This is who we are. This is what we do better than everybody else. This is why your life is going to get better by working with us. We get you!”

And when you do it the right way, you’re doing people a favor by marketing to them!

When you’re on target with your messaging, when you reach someone on their level, and address their exact challenges and pain points, they feel the connection.

And it feels good! They’ve found exactly who they’ve been looking for!

You give them this “Eureka!” moment. They’re engaged. They’re relieved. They know they’re on the right track. And they’re ready to buy! 

(Tell me you haven’t scoured the internet – or the stores – for a particular item or service. You knew what you needed, but maybe you weren’t sure who made it or where to find it. So you shop. And research. For hours. 

You find a couple of things that seem like they might be what you need, but you can’t be sure. What if they’re not? What if you waste even more time and money on something that isn’t going to work for you?

How cool would it be if one of the first ads or articles you found told you exaclty what you needed to hear? Bingo! And now you can get on with your life.)

So look at you! Already a hero and all you did was hire the right copywriter!

Essential Copywriting

That’s the way I write for you. I find out exactly who your people are, and I speak to them – directly.  It’s a friendly conversation, but it’s a research-based approach that tells them exactly what they need to know to move forward with you.

My goal is to always get the results you’re looking for. So whether it’s a sale, a lead-gen inquiry, more traffic, or building brand awareness, I never forget that your people are unique. They’ve got their own values, thoughts, ideas, and objectives. And that’s where I meet them.

When you work with me, we’ll guide your people towards their best option. And their best option is always going to be you.

The results will speak for themselves.

Let me know where you need help.